Justin Bieber Stuck in Liverpool Hotel;Causes a Possible Riot

Justin Bieber fans are capable of anything. The latest? Blocking the teen heartthrob inside his Liverpool hotel by forming a massive crowd. Seven hours ago he tweeted, “this is crazy. there are like thousands of people out there. love everybody but gonna try and get some sleep. please dont scream. lol” and posted a picture of the growing crowd outside the hotel’s front doors. Us Weekly reports that there were thousands of screaming fans hanging around the building but TMZ says 25 guards have been called in to handle the situation and that the crowd amounts to about 500 people. However the situation has led to several streets around the area being closed off, and Justin and his entourage have been warned that they’ll be “arrested immediately for inciting a riot” if they go anywhere near the balcony, or basically do anything that could jeopardise people’s safety. Justin’s in Liverpool for his stylist’s birthday party and has apparently had to cancel plans to take a Beatles tour due to the current situation. But it wasn’t all bad news for his fans. Justin did manage to greet all of them: “that was great! got to say hi to everyone. we are following the rules. lol. #LOVEMYFANS.”

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